2024 Mike Moss Memorial Fund Award Recipient

Grace Fisher

Grace Fisher

Grace Fisher is a senior double major in Dance and English, with a minor in Linguistics. Within the dance major, her focus is on performance and choreography. She is interested in interdisciplinary work across her interests, which include various forms of movement, music, language, philosophy, and the relationships between them. Grace’s pre-college training was almost wholly in classical ballet, but in her time at Drexel, she has become fascinated with postmodern dance. In her own work, she particularly values strong contrasts, putting chance to good use, embracing the bareness of movement, and celebrating the unexpected.

Her senior project, which will be performed in a fully-produced collaborative show alongside works from fellow Dance Major seniors Aria Iuso and India Scott, is an exploration of Nietzsche’s concept of the Apollonian/Dionysian divide. This concept has inspired dancemakers from Martha Graham to Doris Humphrey. Referencing Nietzsche’s theory, the piece draws visual inspiration from classical Greek drama and sculpture, incorporating the use of masks. A third influence is Jung’s idea of a collective unconscious and shared archetypes. Chaos, irrationality, energy, asymmetry, and the masses will be contrasted against order, form, matter, reason, and the individual — all to the tunes of Led Zeppelin, Skeeter Davis, Michel Chion, and Otto Luening. This concert is scheduled for May 18th, 2024, at 6 pm, in Mandell Theater. This performance will be presented alongside the Senior Projects of Grace Fisher and India Scott. For more information about this show, visit https://bit.ly/DawnOfSelfConcert.